Monday, July 14, 2008

who took my obama bumper sticker

With the FISA bill and everything, I have not been the biggest fan of Barack Obama lately. Maybe it's appropriate that I should remove all labels supporting him from my surroundings. Yet, I was quite shocked last night when I came back to a parking lot and found that someone had torn off my Obama bumper stickers. I admit that for years when I saw those "W" bumper stickers, I was filled with the desire to ram my car into the other cars sporting them. But guess what, I am a human being, which means I can exercise some limited self-control. I may rant online, but I can avoid defacing other people's stuff.

My bigger question about the person who tore off my bumper sticker is this: what did you think ripping off my bumper stickers would accomplish? If you are just angry about Barack Obama fine, but you know I'm going to buy more bumper stickers, which means more money for the Obama campaign, which just encourages him. So other than remind me that I share this country with some uncivilized ogres, what did you accomplish? You actually made me more committed to voting for Barack Obama this fall during a month when my support for him has been flagging. Good work.

Okay, just a light ramble into cyberspace this afternoon.

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