Saturday, March 25, 2006

The new debt slavery

What I really have wanted to know for a long time is why we aren't out rioting about some of the things our government has done. Well finally I was sent articles that have answers for the apathy of the younger generations. Okay, these are not the only answers but they are some pretty convincing ones. We are so saddled with the debt we are attempting to pay off we really can't think about anything else. And the government is trying to make it worse not just for new students but also for their middle class parents. There are ways to tax the middle class that are far sneakier than outright taxing the middle class. It is to offer them education at too high a price for them to legitimately afford. This is also good because it forces younger generations to be satisfied with whatever job they can find, it forces them to place themselves solidly within a globalized capital system and prevents them from much of the political involvement discussed in this editorial below.

"Student Debts, Stunted Lives"

Also, if you want to read the stories profiled in the original Chicago Tribune article, click here.

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